Warning to the woman Lyme disease with tick borne - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options

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Saturday 27 May 2017

Warning to the woman Lyme disease with tick borne

Warning to the woman Lyme disease with tick borne

Lyme disease with tick borne
Warning to the woman Lyme disease with tick borne

Over the last 21 years, a woman in Grand Rapids has lived with the devastating effects of a tick bite. Now, he spends his life to raise awareness of Lyme disease stop hurting others.

Carrie Nielsen was 16 years old on a summer trip when a tick with Lyme disease caught her.

"My friends and I were saying," Oh, my God, what's in my leg? He was at the back of the leg. We took a stick and excavator. Do not switch off. He was enormous because he had probably been fed for several days.

After that, Nielsen began to suffer multiple health problems.

"Every morning I would like to have morning sickness. Before school, I vomited. Suddenly, I could not walk because my ankle would not work, "he said.

Doctors took a year and many misdiagnosis before finding the Lyme antibody in their system.

Nielsen said she was relieved until he found out more.

"I hear it now, I'm afraid of that person (a diagnosis of Lyme disease.) Because if you do not treat it immediately, it could be a life of suffering," he said.

And that's what it was for Nielsen.

"Recently, my daughter asked me if I should be healthy or you would have the disease for the rest of my life, and that was difficult," he said.

Nielsen is now on the board of the Michigan Association and Lyme Disease-focused tick hazard awareness.

"I just pray that no one should go through what I was doing," he added.


Health officials say that people in Michigan should be careful with the black legged tick, also known as the deer tick, which can be infected with Lyme disease from a rodent or a sick bird that bites.

Most humans are bitten by a tick nymph step; Then he grows up feeding on you. During feeding, an infected tick can transmit Lyme disease to its host.

The best way to avoid tick-borne disease is to avoid areas prone to ticks, including grass cover, brush and litter. Keep your court mowed.

Ticks can also be worn by pets, so that tick prevention products for dogs and cats are recommended.

A DEET or Picaridin repellent is recommended. Lemon or eucalyptus oil can also help. Clothing may also be treated with permethrin, but should not be applied directly to the skin.

Wear light colored clothing, if possible, to aid in the detection of a tick. Long-sleeved shirts, pants and closed-end shoes are recommended because it is nested in shirts and pants if the ticks have not easy to do on your skin.

Finally, always check yourself and the pets for ticks after you leave. Washing the laundry in hot water and dried at high temperature will kill the ticks remaining in the clothes.

Although prevention is the key, not a guarantee. Nielsen was bitten by a second time tick last year. Fortunately, this did not behave Lyme disease

If she finds a TICK

Health officials feel that if you find a tick on your body, remove it quickly. The best method is a slide tweezers, and firmly grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull in constant motion. Clean the area with an antiseptic.

Do not use peppermint oil or flame, which can irritate the regurgitating tick and possibly cause a disease that you have in you.

You should then be monitored if you have symptoms of the disease, such as fever, rash, muscle pain or joint pain. If you are experiencing any health problems, contact your doctor.

Nielsen recommends getting the ticks to withdraw from her tested body to see if they are carriers of Lyme disease. These reports can help researchers determine where they are often ticks

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