Atherosclerosis Treatment with the latest methods - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options

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Sunday 21 May 2017

Atherosclerosis Treatment with the latest methods

 Atherosclerosis Treatment with the latest methods 

 Atherosclerosis Treatment with the latest methods
 Atherosclerosis Treatment with the latest methods 

 Atherosclerosis Treatment with the latest methods :Treatment of atherosclerosis from a site of content, called blockage of arteries, which is one of the diseases common in many people, especially the elderly, and is caused by the accumulation of cholesterol and fatty acids in the wall of blood vessels, which prevents the passage of blood and the transfer of oxygen and food for all The various cells of the human body, which has many serious complications, including the incidence of angina, stroke or the occurrence of paralysis or other complications.

The heart is the strongest muscle in the human body, it works day and night and pumps blood to the rest of the parts to keep the human alive, but may be exposed to this important member of many health problems, including this disease, which we will learn together more detailed in the following article in terms of Causes, symptoms and treatment methods.

Causes of atherosclerosis
atherosclerosis cause

The most important causes of atherosclerosis are:
  • High levels of cholesterol in the blood, which is the primary and primary responsible for this disease.
  • Calcium deposits occur in the human body, which is due to eating some types of high fat foods such as butter or others.
  • Smoking, which is a bad habits that are a serious risk to human health and one of the causes of this disease.
  • Diabetes, which contributes significantly to the infection.
  • High blood pressure in the person, which increases the chances of infection.
  • The person is exposed to situations of anxiety, tension and intense emotions.
  • In some cases, the causes of the disease may be due to genetic factors.
  • Lack of mobility and lack of exercise.
  • Eat heavy meals before you go to sleep.
  • obesity.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪atherosclerosis‬‏

The most important symptoms associated with atherosclerosis in the following:

  • Feeling the person with pain in the chest area.
  • Fatigue and extreme stress with the least effort the patient can make.
  • The affected person finds a difference in measuring his or her pressure.

It is worth mentioning that the parts and areas affected by this disease are the heart, brain and limbs as well as both legs and intestines.

Prevention of atherosclerosis
Prevention of atherosclerosis

There are a number of steps taken to prevent this disease, which are eliminated in the following:

  • Reduce as much as possible the intake of fatty and high-fat foods, including meat, sweets, butter and others.
  • Avoid smoking altogether.
  • Eat healthy foods that contain all the necessary nutrients such as vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid obesity, excess weight and keep the body agile.
  • Treatment of blood pressure disease as one of the causes responsible for this disease.
  • Take care to exercise continuously.
Treatment of atherosclerosis
Treatment of atherosclerosis

  • The medical treatment
Is to refer to the treating physician, which in turn describes a group of drugs and anti-plate aggregates, and in the case of asymmetry healing is resort to surgical procedures where the use of balloons and supports to open the arteries and eliminate the blockage in them.

Natural methods for the treatment of atherosclerosis
Natural methods for the treatment of atherosclerosis

This disease can be cured through food, and there are a variety of herbs and foods used for this:

  • Apple cider vinegar
Which is one of the most effective treatments that contribute significantly to the elimination of fat hung in the walls of blood vessels, and it is recommended to use by drinking a spoon diluted in Cuba of water once a week, to reduce the incidence of this disease.

  • Garlic
Which has many therapeutic benefits, including the decomposition of accumulated fat, so it is recommended to eat it continuously.

  • pomegranate
Which is one of the important fruits that play a large role in protecting the heart from various diseases that can be exposed to it.

  • Cowpea
Which is used by drinking water salicylic, as it works to strengthen the arteries and prevent the obstruction.

  • Vegetables and fruits of various kinds in general, as they play a large role in building a body free of diseases.
  • Lemon, which is the other is effective treatments.
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