How to treat diabetes - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options


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Tuesday, 25 April 2017


How to treat diabetes


Treatment of diabetes The treatment of diabetes in various
 ways to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood mainly. The most important methods of treatment of diabetes are as follows

 Methods of treatment of all types of diabetes: These methods are no less important than drugs, aiming to maintain the ideal body weight. Healthy diet, concentrated on fruits, vegetables and grains, includes high nutritional value, high fiber content, and low fat. Reducing intake of animal products, refined carbohydrates, and sweets. It is also necessary to exercise continuously, as this contributes to the introduction of glucose molecules into cells, in addition to its role in increasing the response of cells to the hormone insulin. All diabetics must constantly measure their blood sugar level to ensure that the body responds to treatment, and to prevent complications from high sugar levels. Insulin therapy: It is usually used to treat the first type of diabetes, and if the second type patient does not 
respond to other drugs. Insulin has many forms,

 some of which do not start immediately, and those that persist for long periods of time. It is not usually given orally, but in the form of injections, as well as through so-called insulin pumps. Drugs that do not contain insulin are given either orally or by injection, and they have many types. Some of them stimulate the secretion of insulin from the pancreas,

 which inhibits the production of glucose from the liver, and there are types that increase the response of the body's cells to insulin. The most popular of these drugs and the first used for the treatment of diabetes metformin drug. These drugs include rosiglitazone, chloropropamide, ribaglanide, acarbose and others. Pancreatic transplantation: This process is especially beneficial for type I patients. When this process is successful, the patient does not need to inject insulin again, but it also carries the risk of rejection of the new organ. This procedure is therefore usually performed for patients who do not respond to insulin, or for those who will undergo a kidney transplant.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Around 280 millions of people suffering from diabetes all over the world. The patient of diabetes is increasing day by day. The common symptoms of diabetes are urinating often, feeling very thirsty, feeling very hungry-even though you are eating, blurry vision and much more. Diabetes treatment