More common questions About Sex and Relationships And Cause - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options

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Sunday 4 June 2017

More common questions About Sex and Relationships And Cause

 More common questions About Sex and Relationships

 More common questions About Sex and Relationships
More common questions About Sex and Relationships

More common questions About Sex and Relationships

Although they can take many forms, sexual problems are defined as a physical or emotional problem that prevents a couple from achieving a mutually satisfying intimate relationship. Among the most common male prostate problems, decreased blood supply to the penis due to diabetes, heart disease or other health problems, nerve damage to the spinal cord, or include decreased hormone Testosterone.

Frequent sexual problems in women common problems include lack of desire caused by decreased estrogen hormone, thyroid disorders (which may also affect some men) and pain during sexual intercourse caused by a number of problems Including lack of lubrication.

Some couples also find that using certain medications can also cause sexual problems. These include alcohol, nicotine, narcotics, stimulants, certain medications for blood pressure, antihistamines and some antidepressant medications.

What is the most common sexual problem in men?

What is the most common sexual problem in men?
What is the most common sexual problem in men?

Studies show that it is premature ejaculation, which can affect up to 75% of men. Clinically, it defines as the release of penile ejaculation either before sexual intercourse can take place, or soon after the beginning, usually in less than 15 "push". While all men will experience premature ejaculation at least once in your life, for some the problem is chronic. If this is the case, the causes may be related to a highly sensitive and easily stimulated nervous system, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or sometimes lack of control over the response to body arousal. A cause often overlooked temporary premature ejaculation is an infection of the prostate gland known as prostatitis. If this is the case, a cure of antibiotics often solves the problem. Temporary problems can also result from stress, or the use of certain medications, including cold pills.

Treatments for premature ejaculation are taken 12 hours Anafranil chronic antidepressants before sexual intercourse, and the use of a condom to help reduce the feeling. Sometimes a prescription lidocaine cream can also help reduce feeling, but it can also affect the couple

What is the true definition of erectile dysfunction - and what are the most common causes?

What is the true definition of erectile dysfunction - and what are the most common causes?
What is the true definition of erectile dysfunction - and what are the most common causes?

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, has much more scope than many couples are aware of. Includes ,, not of course able to get an erection, but also the inability to maintain an erection sufficient for intercourse, and the inability to ejaculate on a consistent basis.

Even though once one believed to be largely an emotional problem, nowadays doctors know that erectile dysfunction is often the result of other health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure, Early heart disease, prostate problems and depression. In addition, alcohol abuse is an important factor, and some men, smoking. Chronic stress can also play a role. In some men, certain drugs may cause erectile dysfunction, especially certain medications for high blood pressure and certain treatments for depression

What causes sexual dysfunction in women?

What causes sexual dysfunction in women?
What causes sexual dysfunction in women?

Unlike men who need physiological events to have sex, women have no such restrictions. As such, the most common reasons for sexual dysfunction are often based on issues of desire, excitement, or sometimes painful intercourse. Some women also report an inability to have an experience of orgasm or pain to get one.

While a decrease in desire can be caused by many things, including a negative relationship with a partner or other stresses of life, physical causes are often attributed to decreased estrogen and testosterone hormones produced During menopause. This can not only put a shock on the desire but can also cause a decrease in vaginal lubrication which makes it more difficult to wake up and make painful intercourse. In addition, certain diseases, especially a thyroid disorder or depression, can also affect the desire of women. The inability to reach orgasm is rarely caused by a physical problem, but most often the result of insufficient stimulation by a woman's partner.

What causes pain in the penis?

What causes pain in the penis?
What causes pain in the penis?

As in any other part of the body, pain in the penis can be the result of many things, including infection, trauma or disease. Excessive handling can sometimes lead to pain, such as simple things, like insect bites or pimples. At the same time, painful lesions or sores on the penis may be genital herpes or other infection. In addition, inflammation of the prostate, urethritis (a urinary tube frequently caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia) and sometimes, sickle cell anemia can also cause pain in the penis. A condition known as the result of La Peyronie's disease in an abnormal curve of the penis that makes sexual intercourse painful for a man. Rarely, pain can be a sign of penile cancer, so always check with your doctor if the discomfort is significant and does not disappear within a few days.

Why do some women have painful intercourse?

Why do some women have painful intercourse?
Why do some women have painful intercourse?

Medically known as dyspareunia, up to 80% of women is the physiological cause. This can be the result of a decrease in female hormones leading to vaginal dryness, the presence of yeast or other sexually transmitted infections, cystitis or urethritis (urinary tract infections), or some orthopedic problems. In some cases, chronic constipation may play a role. A condition known as vulvar vestibulitis, inflammation in a particular area of the vagina is the most common cause of dyspareunia ignored.

A type of specific dyspareunia called vaginismus involuntary spasms causes the vagina muscles. In some cases, they can be so strong joints of the vagina are closed by extremely painful and sometimes impossible penetration. It often has roots in psychological trauma.

What is retrograde ejaculation, and how is it treated?

What is retrograde ejaculation, and how is it treated?
What is retrograde ejaculation, and how is it treated?

A form of male sexual dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation means that the fluid from the ejaculate that normally leaves the penis during orgasm take a wrong direction and ends biological deposited in the bladder. Here it is mixed with urine and ultimately leaves the body as a waste. The problem does not harm unless the couple tries to conceive. Retrograde ejaculation can occur partially or completely. In all cases, the cause is often related to prostate or urethral surgery, diabetes and the use of certain medications, including medications for high blood pressure. Controlling blood sugar can help improve the problem, like some medications like adrenaline. Sometimes, changing blood pressure medications also works

Is erection dangerous for a long time?

Is erection dangerous for a long time?
Is erection dangerous for a long time?

Much depends on your definition of "extended". The condition itself is known as priapism and
It is defined, in clinical terms, as an erection that lasts four hours or more without sexual stimulation. Normally, stimulation causes blood to flow into the penis, resulting in an erection. After ejaculation - or if stimulation is interrupted - the blood flows and the erection recedes. When priapism occurs, the blood that is sent to fill the penis becomes trapped, so the erection remains unresolved. Not only can this be extremely painful, if not treated from the beginning, can result in scarring in the penis, and sometimes, permanent erectile dysfunction. Priapism can occur in all men, even in newborns, but most often develops between the ages of 5 and 10 years and the 20 and 50 years. Treatment can be as simple as applying ice packs, or may involve injecting penis with medication, or eliminating blood from the penis to reduce pain and swelling. Sometimes surgery is needed to restore proper blood flow and drainage.

What drugs often cause sexual problems for men and women?

What drugs often cause sexual problems for men and women?
What drugs often cause sexual problems for men and women?

The best known medications are antidepressant drugs like Prozac or tranquillizers such as Valium, which can affect sexual desire in both men and women. For women, some birth control pills can put a shock on desire, as some formulations of HRT used to treat the symptoms of menopause. Drugs are known to increase the risk of impotence in men include certain medications for high blood pressure, antihistamines used for common cold or allergies, some NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen), heartburn medications such as Tagamet, Zantac and Lipid-lowering Pepcid for cholesterol and some medications used to treat Parkinson's disease or cancer.

Is it true that sex can actually give some a headache?

Is it true that sex can actually give some a headache?
Is it true that sex can actually give some a headache?

If it is true. Medically, the condition is known as coital headaches, and surprisingly, affects men more often than women - surprising because women usually have more headaches than men. Although no one knows what lies behind the problem, some say it may be linked to sudden change in blood flow and consequent drop in blood pressure after orgasm. Others argue that may be the result of an adrenaline release floods the body during periods of intense sexual activity. While some people may have sexual headaches for several weeks followed by permanent remission, for others the problem may come and go indefinitely, or sometimes be present at every sexual encounter. Although you can not suffer from migraine headaches, headache sex are considered to be chemically related and often respond to similar treatments. One caveat: Do not assume that a headache you feel after intercourse is a painful sexual headache. Experts say that sometimes benign lesions in the brain or aneurysms (a disorder of the blood vessels) can also cause headaches after intercourse. To rule out these problems, do not diagnose - consult your doctor.


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