Drugs against stomach burns may boost the risk of death: study
Drugs Against Stomach Burns May Boost the Risk Of death |
Beliefs of stomach beliefs known as proton pump inhibitors may increase the risk of falls, according to new research.
This is the first step in the medical literature, in the IPP, on the basis of the guidelines for health. From the foregoing studies on the medical treatment of progeny rénaux, à la démence et aux fractures osseuses, more toutes les recherches n'ont pas été convenues.
The lead author of the study, Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, director of clinical epidemiology at the St. Louis Healthcare System, confirms the chances of this occurrence, plus les personnes ont recours les médicaments.
After more than 5 years, they are teaming with people who are in charge of PPI ordonnance than Nexium et Prilosec. Il compares them with the gens qui ont d'autres drogues that gastrointestinal abstinence is known under the name of H2 blockers (such as Zantac or Pepcid). The study has no examination of the use of PPI medications that you can buy in the comptoir.
For the rapporteur, the persons employed on the IPP pending the annuity of the 25 per cent surplus of risque de décès, Al-Aly, who was also a professed physician in the medical field at l'École de médecine University Of Washington in St. Louis.
If you are destitute of personal income, you can translate this 25% chance for the expenses of a Moor, a declared Al-Aly.
Pourtant, l'étude n'est qu'une association - elle ne constituent pas une cause et un effet. An industry representative that medications are safe.
Al-Aly. Men who fall in love with them. "Je dirais que c'est un risque faible more important," dit-il. "It must incur in the persons to whom the services requested are requested in the PPI in the first place or not."
IPPs are the most widely used drug types in the United States, with 15 million prescriptions per month in 2015 for Nexium alone, according to the IMS company.
Although the treatment schedule applies to most PPI, ie 2 to 8 weeks for ulcers, for example. Pour certains patients, les médecins ont a savoir si l'utilisation plus longue est jusiée, et l'étude a révélé that the chances of décès augmentaient énormément.
Les maladies de reflux gastro-œsophagien (RGO) et les ulcères. Over-the-counter versions of the lower dose are commonly used to treat the stomach and indigestion industries.
The study has not received funding from the industry. It is published online at BMJ Open.
Study Details
Al-Aly et ses collaborations ont décision de faire la nouvelle étude après les recherches suggesting the lien between the utilisation of PPI and autres saints problems. "S'il y a vraiment toutes ces associations avec les effets indésirables, est-il true qu'il peut aussi être associé à un risque plus élevé de décès?" Il a demandé.
Researchers have examined the medical records of an environment of 275 000 people using the order IPP and about 74 000 people who have access to H2 inhibitors.
Les chercheurs ont fait trois analyses, en comparant:
Les personnes qui prennent des IPP avec ceux qui prennent des inhibiteurs de H2
Utilisateurs PPI vs non-PPI users
PPI users with those who do not have PPI or H2 bloquants.
"However, we have examined the data, and had a [lien] consistent with the use of PPI and the risk of decent," dit Al-Aly. Plus the use is longue, plus risque est élevé, dit-il.
Quand les chercheurs ont pris en compte dans combien de temps ils ont pris les médicaments, risque augmenté avec la durée d'utilization. Selon l'étude, les chances de décès chez les personnes prenantes des PPI et des groups bloquants H2 pendant 30 jours n'étaient pas significantly diférentes. Plus les chances étaient près de 50% plus élevées parmi les personnes prenant les médicaments pendant 1 à 2 ans
A limitation of the study, according to the researchers, that does not contain any information on the causes of the decree?
Research can not exploit the charge between the use of drugs and a first decade with certainty. What are the medications that are accepted in health care phones?, The parts of the chromosome that control the cellular wake Or, they can promote harmful stress on cells.
While PPIs and H2 blockers reduce stomach acid, they do so in different ways, Al Ali said.
The study included the following medications:
H2 blockers: cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid), and ranitidine (Zantac)
PPI: esomeprazole (Nexium), lansoprazole (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prilosec), pantoprazole (Protonix) and rabeprazole (Aciphex).
The perspective
Despite the results, "there are no patients who could benefit from PPI," said Al Ali. For example, a person with a bleeding ulcer said.
However, medication should not be taken without proper medical reason, and should not be taken in the long term, he said.
For PPIs, doctors should use their judgment to determine how long a patient should take the medications, he said. "Any use beyond occasional use should be under the supervision of a physician," he said.
"Many times, people receiving PPIs for good medical reasons, but doctors do not stop and patients will continue to receive refills after recharging after recharging," said Al Ali. "There should be periodic reassessments of whether people should be in them. Most of the time, people should not be in the PPI for a year or 2 or 3."
Second opinion
In a study published in 2016, Matthew Pappas, MD, a researcher at the Cleveland Clinical Center for Clinical Care, found that using PPIs would likely result in more deaths in inpatients who are not in the UTI. The new findings were reviewed.
"All medications have benefits and damages," he said.
Patients and doctors are urged to realize why they use a drug. "If there is not a compelling reason to take a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), it would be useful to treat lower risk strategies."
Among them, they lose weight and avoid triggering foods such as alcohol, caffeine and citrus, says Colin Robinson, MD, an intern at UCLA's Santa Clarita Health and associate professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of UCLA Medicine.
The weight industry
In an email, Alexandra Engel, a spokeswoman for AstraZeneca, said: "We have confidence in the safety and efficacy of Nexium and Prilosec when used according to the FDA-approved label, which was established through numerous clinical trials.
In a statement, the Association of Consumer Health Products, a group of the drug industry and over-the-counter supplement companies, points out that the new research does not refer to over-the-counter products, but only PPI prescription, Which are generally used for higher doses and for longer periods. "
The group recommends that consumers take into account the FDA's drug information label to understand safe use. "Low-dose IBP is approved for short-term use (from two weeks to three times a year)," the statement added.
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