Human infection with avian influenza - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options

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Wednesday 24 May 2017

Human infection with avian influenza

 Human infection with avian influenza

Human infection with avian influenza
 Human infection with avian influenza
 Human infection with avian influenza
At the time of notification, there were seven deaths, 15 cases were diagnosed as pneumonia  or severe pneumonia  and one case was light. It was said that nineteen patients who had exposure to poultry or live poultry market, one of the cases, the patient reported having visited a patient with A (H7N9) avian influenza in the hospital, it was reported Only in one Case was exposed to live poultry and contact with a confirmed case and two had not known the exposure of poultry.

Two groups have been described:

A 63-year-old man in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. He had an early symptom on April 29, 2017 and was admitted to the hospital on May 2. His symptoms were mild. He had visited a confirmed case at the hospital, a 62-year-old man in Shaanxi Province with symptoms beginning on April 18, 2017 and has already been reported to WHO on May 5
A 37-year-old man from Chengde, Hebei Province. It was a symptom of the first 2 of May 2017 and was admitted to hospital on May 3 with pneumonia. She raised the poultry in the backyard before her appearance. She also had contact with a confirmed case, her mother, a 62-year-old boy with early symptoms April 16, 2017 and WHO has already been reported on May 5
To date, a total of 1,486 lab-confirmed human infections with avian influenza A (H7N9) have been reported by the RSI notification since early 2013.

China's governments at the national and local levels take other measures, including:

Convene a videoconference with key key epidemic provinces to provide information on the Avian Influenza A (H7N9) epidemic and advice on strengthening risk assessment and prevention and control.
Continue to strengthen control measures that focus on hygiene management of live poultry markets and trans-regional transport.
Carry out detailed investigations of sources of information on prevention and effective control.
Continue to detect and treat cases of human infection with A (H7N9) early bird flu to reduce mortality.
Continue to carry out communications at risk and issue information announcements to give public advice on self-protection.
Strengthen virological surveillance to better understand the levels of viral contamination in the environment and mutations, to provide additional guidance for prevention and control.
WHO risk assessment

The number of human infections due to bird flu  and the geographical distribution in the fifth outbreak (ie the appearance since October 1, 2016) is higher than in previous waves. This suggests that the virus spreads and emphasizes that other measures of intensive monitoring and control in human and animal health are crucial.

In most cases, patients are exposed to avian influenza  by contact with infected poultry or contaminated environments, including live poultry markets. As the virus continues to be detected in animals and environments, and live in chicken Vendings continues, other human infections can be expected. Although small clusters of human  avian influenza infection, including those related to patients in the same department, have been reported, current epidemiological and virological data suggest that this virus has not acquired sustainable human carrying capacity . Therefore, the probability of propagation of the community scale is considered low.

A thorough analysis of the epidemiological situation and subsequent characterization of the most recent viruses are essential for assessing risks and for adjusting risk management measures in a timely manner.

WHO guidance

The WHO recommends that travelers to countries with outbreaks of avian influenza should avoid, if possible, poultry farms, contact with animals in live poultry markets, enter areas where slaughtered poultry or Contaminated with feces from poultry or other animals. Travelers should also wash their hands frequently with soap and water, and follow good food safety and good food hygiene practices.

WHO does not advise special screening on entry with respect to this event points, and does not recommend travel restrictions or trade. As always, a diagnosis of the area of ​​infection should be

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