Bacteria spread oral sex shots
bacteria spread oral sex shots |
sex is produced dangerous gonorrhea and a decrease in condom use helps its spread, said the World Health Organization.
It warns that if someone has contracted gonorrhea, is now much more difficult to treat, and in some cases impossible.
Sexually transmitted infection rapidly develops resistance to antibiotics.
Experts said the situation was "quite dark" with few new drugs on the horizon.
About 78 million people collect STIs every year and can cause infertility.
The World
Health Organization analyzed data from 77 countries showed that the resistance of gonorrhea to antibiotics has been widespread.
. Dr. Teodora Wi, WHO said that there were even three cases - in Japan, France and Spain - where the infection was completely intractable.
She said, "Gonorrhea is a very clever mistake every time you enter a new class of antibiotics to treat gonorrhea, the insect becomes resistant."
, The vast majority of gonorrhea infections occur in poor countries where resistance is more difficult to detect.
"These cases may be the tip of it's iceberg," he added.
Throat infection
Gonorrhea can infect the genitals, the rectum and the throat, but it is the last one that worries health officials.
Dr. Wi said that antibiotics could lead to bacteria in the bottom of the throat, including resistance relatives of developing gonorrhea.
She said: "When antibiotics to treat infections such as sore throat normal use, it is mixed with the Neisseria species in the throat, which results in resistance. "
Promoting gonococci in this medium by oral sex can lead to super-gonorrhea.
"In the United States, resistance [an antibiotic], it comes from men who have sex with men because of a throat infection," he added.
It is believed that a decline in condom use, which had skyrocketed due to fears of HIV / AIDS, contributed to the spread of the infection.
What is gonorrhea?
The disease is caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
The infection is transmitted through unprotected vaginal, oral and anal intercourse.
Symptoms may include a thick green or yellow discharge of the sexual organs, painful urination and bleeding between periods.
However, of those infected, about one in 10 heterosexual men and over three-quarters of gay men and women have no recognizable symptoms.
Untreated infection can lead to infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and can be transmitted to a child during pregnancy.
The World Health Organization urges countries to monitor the spread of resistant gonorrhea and to invest in new drugs.
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. Dr Manica Balasegaram, the World Association for Research and Development of Antibiotics, said: "The situation is quite bleak.
"There are only three drug candidates in the pipeline [development] of the drug and there is no guarantee that everyone will do it. "
But ultimately, WHO said vaccines would be needed to stop gonorrhea.
Professor Richard Stabler of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said: "Since the introduction of penicillin, recognized as a reliable and rapid remedy, gonorrhea has developed resistance to all therapeutic antibiotics.
"Over the past 15 years, the treatment she had to change three times after increasing resistance rates worldwide.
"We are now at a point where we are using drugs of last resort, but there are worrying signs that treatment failure due to resistant strains have been documented. "
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Is oral sex now more common? BBC World Online
It is hard to tell if more people worldwide have more oral sex than in the past, as there is no reliable data worldwide.
Data from the United Kingdom and United States show that is very common, and has been for years, even among teens.
The first national survey of sexual attitudes and styles in the United Kingdom, conducted in 1990-1991, revealed that 69.7% of men and 65.6% of women had received oral sex or received from a sex partner The previous year.
At the time of the second survey in 1999-2001, it increased to 77.9% for men and 76.8% for women, but has not changed much since.
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