You Should Be Wise To The Dangers Of Lyme Disease
you should be Wise To the Dangers Of Lyme Disease |
You Should Be Wise To The Dangers Of Lyme Disease
The dangers of
Lyme disease have been covered on this page in March last year, but I am writing to you again to encourage him to seek immediate treatment if you think you have it. If not treated quickly, it can become a hell.
What is Lyme Disease? It is a bacterial infection that is transmitted to humans by infected ticks. An early sign can be a rash often stained in conformation with ring like red bullion in the center of the ring.
But many people escape the rash, so that Lyme disease does not uncover or treat. It can become a chronic heart condition, nerve damage and arthritis can be disabling.
Since there is no vaccine available, prevention is based on people being aware of the risk and using reasonable measures to avoid being stung like wearing appropriate clothing and checking the skin for ticks after crossing a Long grass or a lush forest.
One of the worst aspects of
Lyme disease is the personality changes that occur. A friend was classified psychotic and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital because doctors did not believe she had Lyme disease. He also lost his memory, he could not hold a conversation and had a double vision.
Lyme disease stops patients who normally live because a debilitating aspect of the disease is excessive fatigue and exhaustion. Many patients are therefore refused with anemia such as a bad diagnosis, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.,
The danger is that patients do not receive adequate treatment is very sad because most people react to antibiotics given early.
Lyme disease can mimic cardiac, neurological, breast, kidney and liver diseases and even lead to better doctors the wrong way.
According to the NHS, 3,000 people are infected each year, compared with 268 in 2001. It is expected that the National Institute of Health and Care of Excellence will issue guidelines on the disease next year.
If you are convinced that you have Lyme disease, make sure it can be expensive, up to 10,000 pounds for blood in private labs in Germany and California.
And even then, experts can not believe. Matthew Dryden, a public health microbiologist in England who also runs a Lyme disease clinic in Winchester, Hants, said: "A number of private laboratories abroad offer tests for Lyme disease, Value of several of these proof has not been published or verified ".
So what is it supposed to do if you think that LD, feeling seriously ill and nobody will take you seriously?
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