What is the treatment of thyroid nodules? symptoms of thyroid nodules - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options

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Thursday 8 June 2017

What is the treatment of thyroid nodules? symptoms of thyroid nodules

What is the treatment of thyroid nodules? symptoms of thyroid nodules

What is the treatment of thyroid nodules? symptoms of thyroid nodules
What is the treatment of thyroid nodules? symptoms of thyroid nodules

What is the treatment of thyroid nodules? symptoms of thyroid nodules

The vast majority of thyroid nodules do not cause any symptoms. However, if cells function nodule and produce only thyroid hormone, the nodule can produce signs and symptoms of too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism). A small number of patients complain of pain at the site of the nodule which can reach the ear or jaw. If the node is very large, it can cause difficulty swallowing or breathing difficulty compressing the esophagus (tube that connects the mouth to the stomach) or the trachea (trachea). Rarely, a patient may complain about the difficulty in speaking or hoarseness due to compression of the larynx (voicemail).

What are the types of thyroid nodules?

Thyroid nodules may be single or multiple.

A thyroid gland containing multiple nodules is known as a multinodular goiter.
If the knot is full of fluid or blood, it is called thyroid cyst.
If the node produces the uncontrolled thyroid hormone (regardless of body needs), the node is known as autonomous.
The nodule can cause symptoms and signs of too much thyroid hormones or hyperthyroidism.
Less often, patients with thyroid nodule may have too few thyroid hormones or hypothyroidism
. Hypothyroidism is the most common in the context of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a condition characterized by autoimmune destruction of the thyroid without pain.
The most common types of simple thyroid nodules are not cancerous nodules or colloidal follicular adenomas.
Another type of benign nodule that can be seen is called Hürthle adenomas. Up to 24% of cancer cell nodules are Hürthle.
Few nodules are cancerous.
Cancerous nodules are classified by types of thyroid-containing malignant cells. These cell types include cells or papillary, follicular, poorly differentiated medullary (anaplastic). The prognosis of the patient depends largely on the type of cell and to what extent the cancer has at the time of diagnosis.
In addition to the types of thyroid cells mentioned above the cancer, thyroid nodules may contain lymphoma (cancer cells of the immune system). Cancer other sites such as breast and kidney, can also spread (metastasize) to the thyroid.
The cause of most thyroid nodules is unknown. In some cases, insufficient dietary iodine can cause thyroid nodules to develop, but this is no longer common in the US Some genes can contribute to the development of thyroid nodules.
What is a goiter?
A goiter is simply a thyroid gland. Several conditions can lead to goitre, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, excessive iodine or thyroid tumors. Goitre is a non-specific finding that requires a medical evaluation.

How do thyroid nodules diagnose?

Thyroid nodules are usually discovered by the health care provider during the physical examination of the neck routine. From time to time, a patient may notice a bump as a bump in his neck when looking in the mirror. Once a knot is discovered, a doctor carefully evaluate the nodule.
Story: The doctor will take a detailed history, evaluating two past and present medical problems. If the patient is less than 20 years of age or older than 70 years of age, there is a greater likelihood that a nodule is cancerous. Similarly, it is more likely that the nodule is cancerous if there is a history of exposure to radiation, difficulty swallowing, or a change in voice. In fact, it was customary to apply radiation to the head and neck in the 1950s to treat acne! Exposure to significant radiation includes the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters. Although women tend to have more thyroid nodules than men, nodules in men are found more likely to be cancerous. Despite its value, history can not differentiate benign from malignant nodules. Thus, many patients with risk factors discovered in history have benign lesions. No other risk factor for malignant nodules may be thyroid cancer.

Physical examination: The doctor must determine whether a nodule or several nodules, and the rest of the gland feels. The probability of cancer is increased if the nodule is fixed on the surrounding tissue (building). In addition, the physical examination should look for nearby abnormal lymph nodes that might suggest the spread of cancer. In addition to evaluating the thyroid, the physician must identify any signs of gland dysfunction, including overproduction of thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or underproduction (hypothyroidism).

Blood tests: Initially, blood tests must be performed to evaluate the function of the thyroid. These tests include:

Levels of free T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). High levels of thyroid hormones T4 and T3 in the context of suppressed TSH suggest hyperthyroidism
The T4 or T3 reduction in the context of elevated TSH suggests hypothyroidism
Antibody titers against tirotroxidasa or thyroglobulin may be useful for diagnosing autoimmune thyroiditis
(For example, Hashimoto's thyroiditis).
If surgery is likely to be considered for treatment, the doctor will also strongly determine the level of tiroglobina is recommended. Produced only in the thyroid hormone in the blood. Thyroid hormone thyroglobulin carries blood. Thyroglobulin levels should drop rapidly within 48 hours in the thyroid gland is completely removed. If thyroglobulin levels begin to increase.
Ultrasound: A doctor may order an ultrasound of the thyroid to:

Detect nodules that do not feel easy
Determine the number of nodules and sizes
Determine whether a solid or cystic nodule
Assist in obtaining tissue for the diagnosis of thyroid with fine needle aspiration (FNA)
Despite its value, ultrasound can not determine whether a nodule is benign or cancerous.
Scanning radionuclides with radioactive chemicals is another imaging technique a doctor can use to evaluate a thyroid nodule. The normal thyroid gland accumulates iodine blood and used to produce thyroid hormones. Thus, when the radioactive iodine (iodine 123) is administered orally or intravenously to an individual, it accumulates in the thyroid and causes the gland "lights", seen by a nuclear camera (a type of Geiger counter). The accumulation rate gives an indication of how the thyroid gland and nodules work. A "hot spot" appears if part of the gland or nodule is produced too many hormones. Nodules function hypo inoperative or functioning as "cold spots" when scanning. A cold nodule or does not work carries a higher risk of cancer than a normal node or hiperoperatorio. Nodules are more likely to be cancerous because the cancer cells are immature and do not accumulate iodine and normal thyroid tissue. However, cold spots can also be caused by cysts. This makes ultrasound is a much better tool to determine the need for an AAF.

FNA: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a nodule is a type of biopsy and the most common and simple way to determine what types of cells are present. The needle used is very thin. The procedure is simple and can be done in an outpatient setting, and the anesthesia is injected into the tissue pierced by the needle. AAF is possible if the nodule is easily felt. If the nodule is more difficult to feel, cytopunction can be achieved with ultrasound guidance. The needle is inserted into the thyroid nodule or eliminate the cells. Generally, several samples are taken to maximize the probability of detecting abnormal cells. These cells are examined under the microscope by a pathologist to determine if the cancer cells are present. The value of ABF depends on the experience of the physician performing the FNA and the medical examiner reading the sample. Can be diagnoses of FNA include:

Beneficent thyroid tissue (noncancerous) may be compatible with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a nodule or thyroid colloid cyst. This result is reported about 60% of the biopsies.
Cancerous (malignant) tissue can be compatible with a diagnosis of papillary, follicular or medullary cancer. This result is reported about 5% of biopsies. Most of them are papillary cancers.
The suspect biopsy may show follicular adenoma. Although generally benign, up to 20% of these nodules are ultimately cancerous.
The results usually appear because not diagnosed insufficient number of cells have been obtained. By repeating the biopsy until 50% of these cases can be distinguished as benign, cancerous or suspect.
One of the most difficult problems for the pathologist is to trust a follicular adenoma - usually not a nodule of Benigno carcinoma cells or follicular cancer. In these cases, it is the doctor and the patient weigh the possibility of case-by-case surgery, with less dependence on the pathologist biopsy interpretation. It is also important to remember that there is a low risk (3%) of a benign nodule diagnosed by AAF may be cancerous. Thus, even benign nodules should be closely monitored by the patient and the physician. Another biopsy, especially if the nodule is more and more may be needed. Most thyroid cancers are not very aggressive; In other words, they do not spread quickly. The exception is poorly differentiated (anaplastic) carcinoma, which spreads quickly and is difficult to treat.

What is the treatment of thyroid nodules?

Follicular adenomas are difficult to distinguish from follicular cancers. Follicular nodules, other highly suspected cancer nodules and definitive cancer should be treated by surgery. Most thyroid cancers are curable and rarely cause serious problems. A closely knotted node should be monitored closely by follow-up with the doctor every 6 to 12 months. This surveillance may include physical examination, ultrasound, or both. From time to time, can try a doctor to reduce the nodule by using suppressive doses of the thyroid hormone. Some doctors think that if a nodule contract with suppressive treatment is more likely to be benign. Large recent studies have shown that treatment with thyroid suppression makes no difference.

If a nodule causes hyperthyroidism, it is usually not cancerous. The treatment aims to prevent the signs, symptoms and complications of hyperthyroidism, such as the heart
Failure, osteoporosis and rapid heart rate. Treatments include destruction of the radioactive iodine (iodine-131) gland, blocking the production of thyroid hormone drugs or conservative monitoring patients with hyperthyroidism. "Subclinical Hyperthyroidism" refers to an adult patient with a hyperfunctional nodule, but TSH is little suppressed and blood levels of thyroid hormones are normal. Treatment is individualized according to age, presence of other medical conditions and patient preference

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