The group calls for stricter limits on chemicals in shampoos, cosmetics
the group calls for stricter limits on chemicals in shampoos, cosmetics |
The group calls for stricter limits on chemicals in shampoos, cosmetics
Triclosan is found in thousands of products ranging from soaps and cosmetics to toothpaste and common household items.
However, evidence showed that antimicrobials such as triclosan does not only fall to kill bacteria, but also can damage human health, he said the coalition will insist on the much stricter limit on the use of the chemical.
This follows last year's action by the
US Food and Drug Administration to ban
triclosan, triclocarban and 17 other microbial hand soap and liquid soaps sold in the US as they "are generally recognized as safe and effective ".
The FDA movement has led major manufacturers - such as Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble - to start disposing of them.
But triclosan can still be found in hundreds of consumer products, shampoos with serving utensils, toothpaste and toys. Chemicals are meant to help reduce the spread of diseases and infections.
"Other current uses are not addressed by the recent FDA action, and they must do more," said David Andrews, a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in Washington, DC.
EWG, an environmental research and advocacy group, signed the 25-page statement calling for a ban. It was published in the June 20 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives.
While some products containing triclosan - such as cosmetics, toothpaste, soaps and shampoos - are regulated by the FDA, others are not. They include clothing, credit cards, cutting boards, blankets, mattresses, bathtubs, furniture and toys. There is no limit to the use of triclosan and triclocarban in household or building products.
Those who ask for the ban say that it is a big problem.
"For decades, Andrews said," The American public has been led to believe that antimicrobial products make us safer and healthier, "despite evidence suggesting that the opposite may be true.
The FDA said most of the evidence comes from animal research. He suggested that triclosan can cause a drop in thyroid hormone levels, lead to resistance to antibiotics and increase the risk of skin cancer.
The coalition wants chemicals listed on the labels of all consumer products that contain them, and wants the FDA and the US Environmental Protection Agency to reduce unnecessary use, Andrews said. According to the statement, that antibacterial should be used only when they provide a proven health benefit, as in some clinical settings.
A spokesman for the American Cleaning Institute downplayed the coalition's statement. He said concerns about triclosan and triclocarb have already been addressed.
"This document is obsolete and does not reflect the current state of science and regulation," said Brian Sansoni, vice president of sustainability initiatives with the trade association in Washington, DC.
He said that antibacterial soaps manufacturers began to phase out ingredients before the FDA ban in September 2016. They use other ingredients fighting germs and present scientific data updates on safety and efficiency, as requested by the FDA, he added.
"Every day, antibacterial soaps are used in homes, hospitals, health centers, offices, schools, day care centers and many other commercial environments to protect against the spread of infectious diseases," said Sansoni. "Consumers can continue to use these products with confidence."
Sansoni noted that the institute can only talk about the use of triclosan in cleaning products. "To make it clear," he added, "if the products were not safe when used according to instructions, they would not be on shelves."
Meanwhile, the FDA acknowledges that the research has found some triclosan benefit. For example, toothpastes containing gum disease control help known as gingivitis name.
But the FDA says there is no evidence that soap with the chemical has higher antibacterial properties than normal soap. The FDA has found no evidence that the antiseptic triclosan improves performance.
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