The Main Treatments Used For infertility 2017 - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options

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Wednesday 24 May 2017

The Main Treatments Used For infertility 2017

The Main Treatments Used For infertility
infertility treatmeant ,
the main treatments used for infertility

Medications are mainly used to help with ovulation. Ovulation is the name of the process in which the ovary produces and releases an egg (oocyte). Women normally ovulate once a month until menopause. For various reasons, ovulation may not occur at all, or may occur less often than normal.

Female reproductive system

Ovulation is partially controlled by hormones called gonadotropins. These are made in a gland just below the brain (the pituitary gland). A gonadotrophin is a hormone that stimulates gonad activity (ovaries in women and testes in men). The main gonadotrophins produced by the follicle stimulating hormone called the pituitary gland (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). These pass into the bloodstream and travel to the ovaries.

Clomiphene is a drug that has been used to help with fertility for many years. It is taken as a tablet. It works by blocking a feedback mechanism to the pituitary gland. This results in the production and release of pituitary gonadotrophin hormones more than normal. The additional amount of gonadotropin hormones can boost ovulation in the ovaries.
Medications containing gonadotropins are another type of treatment. These must be injected. They are sometimes used when clomiphene does not work. They can also be used before medically assisted procreation techniques to trigger ovulation. Gonadotropin medications can also improve fertility in men with certain types of hormonal problems that can affect the number of sperm.
Sometimes the drugs containing gonadotropin used. These stimulate the pituitary gland to release gonadotrophins (which in turn stimulate the ovaries).
Metformin may be offered to women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who have difficulty conceiving. Metformin is a drug commonly used to treat certain people with diabetes. Some studies have suggested that metformin can help improve fertility in some women with PCOS, usually in addition to clomiphene.
Make sure you have a complete discussion with your doctor before taking medications for infertility. This is so that you are aware of the success rate, possible side effects or risks (see below) and the latest research and testing of these drugs.

Surgical treatments
The situations where surgery can be an option include:

the main treatments used for infertility
the main treatments used for infertility

Fallopian Tubal Problems - Surgery can help some women with infertility caused by fallopian tube problems. For example, if your fallopian tubes are blocked or scarred by the disease, infection or other problem above. Some women who have had a tubal loop (sterilization) in the past for contraception may be able to have their restored by the fertility of tubal surgery. These days, most fallopian tube surgery is done using keyhole surgery.
Endometriosis - which is a condition that occurs when cells of the uterine lining (uterus) develop in other areas of the body. Surgery can help improve fertility in women with endometriosis.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - an operation in the ovaries may be appropriate for some women with PCOS. The procedure is sometimes called drilling the ovary or diathermy ovary. Again the keyhole surgery is used. A heat source (diathermy) is usually used to destroy some of the small cysts (follicles) that develop on the ovaries. It can be done only if the other treatments have SOP worked.
Fibroid - For women with fibroids, surgery (to remove the fibroid) can be considered if there is no other explanation for infertility. However, small fibroids can not cause infertility.

The insemination ntrauterina (IIU)
It is the process by which the spermatozoa are placed in the woman's uterus (uterus). It is made using a thin plastic tube that passes through the cervix (neck) into the uterus. The spermatozoa are passed through the tube. It is a relatively simple procedure. It may coincide with ovulation (about half of a monthly cycle) in women who are still ovulating. Fertility drugs can also be administered in advance, in order to maximize the chances of ovulation occurs. Women who have this procedure should have healthy fallopian tubes to allow the egg to travel from the ovary to the uterus. If successful, fertilization takes place inside the uterus.

The sperm used may be the male partner or a donor:

The sperm of the male partner can be used when the cause of infertility is unexplained and the test results are normal sperm. It can also be helpful in cases where the female cervical mucus seems to block or kill the sperm. The sperm is obtained by the male masturbating just before the IIU procedure.
Sperm donors are obtained from a semen sperm sperm supplied by donors. It can be considered as an option in a number of circumstances - for example:
When the male partner has no or very little sperm or sperm are not normal.
When the male partner had a sterilization (vasectomy), but the inversion failed.
When the male partner has an infectious disease like HIV.
When there is a high risk of transmission of a genetic disorder (a disease that is caused by an abnormality in the couple's DNA) a baby.
If IIU does not work, couples tend to go on to try other methods described below.

In vitro fertilization (IVF)*
Fertilization means outside the body. In vitro literally means glass (eg, in a laboratory dish or test tube). In vitro fertilization is used in couples whose infertility is caused by blocked fallopian tubes, or when their unexplained infertility. It can also be used when there are some problems with ovulation or a combination of factors that cause infertility.

IVF involves taking fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries to make more eggs than usual. When the eggs are formed, a small operation to collect them (egg collection) is necessary. Each egg is mixed with sperm. This is achieved either by the jerky male or a donor. Mix the egg / semen left for a few days in a laboratory dish. The goal is that the sperm to fertilize the ova to form embryos.

One or two embryos that have formed are placed in the woman's uterus with a thin plastic tube through the neck. Any embryo that has formed on the plate will be discarded or, if desired, frozen for future attempts at in vitro fertilization at a later date. You may also be asked to consider donating any spare embryo to use for research, or be given to other infertile couples.

About one of the four IVF procedures result in a successful pregnancy. Your chances of IVF success may be higher if:

  • The couple is less than 37 years old.
  • The couple was pregnant before.
  • The female partner has a body mass index (BMI) between 19 and 30 (they are a good weight).

It is recommended that when in vitro fertilization is used:

  • Three cycles for women under the age of 40 are offered
  • A cycle is usually offered to women aged 40 to 42 if they have not had in vitro fertilization in the past
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