A man's death following a tattoo raises questions about infections and safety. - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options

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Monday 12 June 2017

A man's death following a tattoo raises questions about infections and safety.

A man's death following a tattoo raises questions about infections and safety.

A man's death following a tattoo raises questions about infections and safety.
a man's death following a tatto raises questions about infections and safety

A man's death following a tattoo raises questions about infections and safety.

Most people know that dirty tattoo needles can transmit infections such as hepatitis C.

But it is less known that the injury itself can be infected - something that has led to serious consequences for a man who died of a tattoo infection after swimming in the Gulf of Mexico.

The man, identified as a Texas resident in a study in the British Medical Journal, had received the tattoo on his right leg and went swimming five days later. He was admitted to the hospital three days later and was tested positive for Vibrio vulnificus, a bacterium found in coastal waters.

The man also had a chronic liver disease, which hinders recovery. He died two months later.

Nicholas Hendren, MD, lead author of the study, says that while new infections tattoos are not a common phenomenon, are not uncommon.

A recent study found that 3.2% of people who received tattoos reported at least one infected tattoo.

Hendren said the Texas man's case was "undoubtedly to the extreme. People are more likely to get MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus, among other common bacteria, says aureus.

Hendren tells his patients to get a tattoo is similar to getting stitches, and you do swim in a pond after receiving stitches. He tells people to avoid bathing in lakes, rivers and ponds, saltwater pools and to avoid excessive washing until the tattoo has healed.

Hendren says a tattoo heals when the crust falls. Most tattoos take on average one to several weeks before the cure, says Doris Day, MD, a dermatologist in New York.

Local state and health departments regulate tattoo parlors. A tattoo regulation of study 2015 revealed that only seven states specifically required that the Ministry of Public Health approved instructions for subsequent tattoo care. Seven states have not allowed all, and others have different requirements. Most of the subsequent care instructions license to the tattoo artist.

Hendren recommend you use a licensed tattoo parlor to get a tattoo, saying it helps reduce the risk of liver infection. The most common is hepatitis B and other infections such as hepatitis C and HIV.

Said Day postcure is important while you wait for a tattoo to heal.

"Wash with soap and water," says day. "Apply an ointment and a non-stick dressing during the day and leave it uncovered for the night. "Remove the plastic wrap when you get home, allowing the area to breathe. The plastic film retains heat and moisture, allowing the bacteria to grow.

Both doctors recommend getting medical help immediately if you see any of these signs:

  • For tattoos found on the arms and legs, a linear band or red band develops and extends from the area.
  • The pain aggravates tattoo around five to seven days later.
  • Discharge the area.
  • Fever, which is a sign of infection.

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