Treatment of tonsillitis at home and symptoms of tonsillitis
Treatment of tonsillitis at home and symptoms of tonsillitis |
Tonsils and tonsillitis
The basic line of defense of the body; to prevent the arrival of bacteria and bacteria into the body and thus protect the digestive system and respiratory, as located in the back of the mouth, and infection Almond inflammation is evidence of continuous protection of the body.
Tonsilitis affects people at all ages, but it is more prevalent among children.
Symptoms of tonsillitis
Be sure to get tonsillitis before going to your doctor or looking for a treatment, and the following list the most common symptoms of tonsillitis:
Swelling and swelling of the tonsils; they may appear clearly when the mouth is opened.
Sometimes there is a white or yellow layer surrounding the tonsils.
Inflammation of lymphatic glands in the neck below the mandible.
Pain in the ear quickly moves to the throat.
High temperature.
Headache may be severe.
Smelly mouth.
Difficulty swallowing or talking.
There is congestion in the throat.
Nausea at times.
Chastity or just some change in it.
Nasal congestion.
Loss of appetite and ability to eat.
Redness in the surrounding area of the tonsils.
Redness of the eye.
Spasm in the neck.
Back Pains.
Abscesses in the vicinity of the almonds.
Methods of treatment of tonsillitis
There are many different treatments to get rid of tonsillitis, and you can resort to surgical treatment.
Natural home remedies
Water and salt
A tablespoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of warm water and used for gurgling. It plays a role in relieving the pain and cleaning the mouth of germs and viruses.
Apple cider vinegar
Gargle in apple vinegar and water solution reduces inflammation and swelling of almonds.
Chamomile is a natural tranquilizer, and a cup of it can relieve the pain of the throat and mouth, and it becomes an amazing remedy, as honey and lemon juice are added to it.
The onion has great benefits in the treatment of many diseases, and for inflammation of almonds, Ghalgarh mixture of onion juice and water relieves pain and reduces swelling.
Remove a teaspoon of ginger root juice and add a teaspoon of honey and a little warm water. Gargling in this mixture protects against the development of inflammation.
Fenugreek seeds
Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds are boiled in half a liter of water and left on fire for half an hour. This mixture is used for gurgling several times a day. This recipe has great benefits in treating and reducing inflammation. The seeds of the ring have antibacterial and bacterial properties.
Lemon juice with warm water acts as a potent anti-inflammatory, especially if honey is added to it.
the milk
Boil a glass of milk and add turmeric and soft black pepper. Take this mixture before sleeping. Repeat this mixture for three days and the infection will stop.
Vegetable juice
Prepare juice in equal amounts of carrot, cucumber and beet; this juice relieves symptoms and eliminates inflammation.
Fresh figs
Boil a few pieces of fresh figs and make a paste. Put this paste on the tonsils; it will reduce redness and pain.
Dried figs
Dried figs are a medicine to treat tonsillitis because of its anti-inflammatory properties and properties.
Tea with mint
For tea and mint soothing properties of the throat and almonds, and for best results add a little honey to tea and mint.
A quantity of mustard seed is milled until it is added to a glass of hot water. Gargling in this mixture eliminates germs and accelerates the healing process.
Thyme of oregano
Oregano has antiseptic properties and can be used to treat tonsillitis by adding it to warm water and leaving until water takes its color, and then drink this mixture.
Beetroot stimulates the body's immunity and expels toxins from it.
Salt and pepper
Add a small amount of salt, pepper and lemon juice to a cup of warm water and drink it, this works to reduce the inflammation and its complications.
Purple hedgehog
The purple hedgehog herb works to increase the body's immunity to germs, bacteria and viruses.
The herb has a similar role to the purple hedgehog, which stimulates the body's immunity against germs.
Shami berries
Shami berries are a natural pharmacy, containing substances that treat inflammation, diseases and oral abscesses.
whale liver oil
The whale liver oil works to heal tissues.
Aromatic oils
Inhaling essential oils refreshes the mouth and throat and speeds up the healing process.
Iodine dye
They are found in pharmacies and can gargle them to treat inflammation, but it is a treatment for adults may be painful.
Cabbage leaves
Putting green cabbage leaves on the neck reduces inflammation and relieves pain.
Surgery to remove tonsils
Surgery is used if the tonsils are turned into abscess, or if the inflammation is chronic and recurrent and does not benefit from natural or pharmacological treatments.
Finally, it should be noted that comfort is an important part of the treatment of any disease in addition to the treasures of nature and the medicines they provide.
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