Convulsions in children And Causes of convulsions in children - Treatment of diseases symptoms | treatment options

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Saturday 20 May 2017

Convulsions in children And Causes of convulsions in children

Convulsions in children And Causes of convulsions in children
Convulsions in children And Causes of convulsions in children

Convulsions in children

What are convulsions:
Movements and involuntary movements and change of consciousness of the child accompanied by spasm in the muscles of the body, and can be this convulsion in whole or in part.
The scientific explanation for this condition is that the child's brain produces and emits excess electrical charges abruptly. The cause of these electrical discharges is unknown in 60-70% of cases.
Spasticity in children is a common problem and usually requires intervention.
The sudden rise in temperature in some children leads to cramping, which is called thermal cramping. (Read also: Effective home remedies for children's heat treatment)
Most of these children do not have these seizures without leaving any complications.
Most cases are in the form of a single seizure and are not repeated.
The frequency of seizures is up to 40% in some studies.
Some dangerous infections, such as meningitis, may cause cramping. You should check with your doctor immediately if your child has a spasm of heat.

Causes of convulsions in children:
Cerebral palsy (see also: cerebral palsy or so-called CP)
Deficiency in blood mineral counts such as sodium (read also: sodium accumulation in the brain for people with multiple sclerosis), calcium and magnesium.
High or low blood sugar (Read also: High blood sugar causes colon cancer)
Congenital malformations in the brain.
Some chronic diseases such as renal failure (Read also: renal failure and how to deal with it)
Failure in liver function.
Some types of cancer.
Some neurological skin diseases.
Some medicines and genetic diseases.
If your child has epilepsy, you should explain how to do first aid for the child (read also: first aid for epileptic seizures or convulsions), for friends and teachers and those interested in school in the event of a bout of spasm during school time, as well as the need to take precautions in case of The child wishes to carry out activities that are considered dangerous, such as not being left unattended during these activities, especially if he is not left alone in the bathroom or next to the swimming pool.

Cases that are mistakenly diagnosed as epilepsy:
There are several cases that some think of as epilepsy or spasm and it is not because it causes a strange movement and change in consciousness, 
and the most important of these cases are:
Night Panic Attacks (Read also: Panic Disorder).
Bouts of self - restraint in children.
Complicated migraines.
Some heart rhythm disorders.
Some children with asthma develop severe coughs that can cause seizures similar to epilepsy (see also: Asthma in Children)
The neurologist in children can differentiate between these cases clinically and after the necessary tests.

How to deal with a child if he has a seizure:
Place the child during the seizure on his back and head tilted to one side, or put it on his side on solid ground and do not put anything in his mouth and leave the child alone.
Respiratory-respiratory resuscitation mouth to mouth if the child has stopped breathing and becomes blue.
Contact the ambulance in the following cases:
If the spasm lasts for more than three to five minutes.
If the spasm comes back again after stopping and has repeated episodes.
If the child vomits after the spasm has stopped, contact your pediatrician immediately and receive instructions.

keywords: treatment,children,Convulsions,health,How to deal

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